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The recommended sharpening and service centre for all Kasho-related items, for all of Canada is:
Hello Scissor Co.
175 Roy Street NW
Edmonton Alberta, T6R 2A9
e: info@helloscissors.com
t: 780.443.6222
Please be reminded that if Kasho shears are not sharpened by the recommended service centre, the warranty associated with the Kasho shears will be deemed void. Note that the parties involved in any sharpening and/or Non- Warranty work are understood to be limited to Hello Scissor Co. and the end user. The customer is responsible for the shipping of their shears to and from Hello Scissor Co. for sharpening services.
Note as well, that the customer will need to contact Hello Scissor Co. prior to shipping their shears to confirm that the shears will be sent in and to get an estimated turnaround time. Generally speaking, turnaround time for sharpening or service, once the shears have been received by Hello Scissor Co. will be 1-2 days in western Canada, 3-4 days for Ontario and Quebec and 3 to 6 days for eastern Canada.